About Us

Who Am I

I am Jiten Panday, a born-again Christian, who believes in Jesus Christ as my Lord
and Saviour. I am extremely passionate about sharing the word of God with everyone so
that every individual will experience the limitless and life-changing love of God that I
have experienced.
I am the founder of this website with one goal of sharing God’s living word with
everyone around the globe.


I am living with one vision that is expanding the kingdom of God, by spreading the Word of God through every possible means.

What You Get From This Website

My goal is to help you grow spiritually by providing you with content that is based on the Bible, the Word of God. We are a group of people with a single aim to help other believers by presenting the word of God through this website.
You will get bible verses related to the topics and other devotionals to enhance your understanding of the Word of God.
If you are serious about building an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour then this website will benefit you.


As a disciple of Jesus Christ, my mission is to:
1. Helping people to grow in faith
2. Providing the Word of God to relate them in your day-to-day life
3. Helping people to understand the Word of God
4. Bring glory to the living God through all our activities
5. Encouraging you to trust in the living God
6. Assisting you to realize that there is amazing power in Jesus’s name
7. Equipping people to grow in their faith and the practical application of it in their lives

Statement of Faith

I believe in One God who became flesh and made his dwelling among us. He is Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
The Bible is the only God’s Word.
Forgiveness of sin can be done only by Jesus Christ.
Man was created in God’s image but because of sin, man became the enemy of God.
We can reunite with the Holy God only through receiving forgiveness from Jesus, who died on the cross for our sins and paid the cost of sin on our behalf.

Content Writer and Editorial Team

Jiten Panday’s spiritual journey is nothing short of transformative. Born into a conservative Hindu family, his path took a pivotal turn when he encountered Jesus Christ. This life-changing experience saw Jiten transition from a devout Hindu to a committed Christian, with an insatiable thirst to understand the Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

His profound faith journey has now found purpose in sharing the Word of God with others. As a testament to his dedication, Jiten founded the esteemed website, Aboutbibleverses.com.

For those keen on joining an engaged community or staying updated with his latest insights, Jiten’s Facebook Page and Facebook Group are avenues to connect, share, and grow in faith.